a sense of heaven within


“With the moon walk… we could see that the earth and the heavens were no longer divided but that the earth is in the heavens.” Joseph Campbell

Something stirred me awake in the desert one morning as if to say, come and behold beauty. The air was still, and the desert was silent. It was as if the earth was in prayer to all that sustains it as a beautiful living organism suspended in the heavens. 

The sun was held in loving hands, lifting it upwards out of a hidden horizon and onto the alter of life. 

As a mirror image, I lifted my arms above my head in gratitude, sensing what some astronauts felt while in space, a deep interconnectedness with all that is seen and all that is unseen. 

That day, it seemed as if I saw this very image, light held by love, in the heart of each person I met. 

Wishing you a sense of heaven within.