many mystical moments
“Creator uncreated. Sole one, unique one, who traverses eternity, when you cross the sky all faces see you.” was written by twin brothers, Suti and Hor, about 3,500 years ago.
The brothers give a prominent place to Aten, the seen physical disk of the sun and its invisible rays of light. The sun and its movements across the heavens fascinated the ancient Egyptians. The awe they sensed of both the seen and unseen was the spark behind much of their creativity, like this Hymn to the Sun god.
Not much has changed since then. Standing on Mt. Sinai during sunrise continues to captivate viewers from around the world. A mystical encounter is a universal human experience often manifest in everyday moments of reality such as strong emotions, aha moments, synchronicity, pure love. It is holding both the seen (the sunrise) and the unseen (the force behind the creation of the sun) in the heart as one.
One of our pilgrims was so overcome by the majestic moment, she spontaneously began to sing Amazing Grace like Aretha Franklin. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.” Chatter stopped as all stood silent to listen and watch the sun.
Wishing you many mystical moments.