a soul as marvelous as the universe


When the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth, also known as Hermes, “Son of the Nile,” wrote, “as above, so below,” he may have been thinking of the Nile River. 

As we floated on the Nile towards Aswan, I sat on the deck enjoying a light warm breeze doing nothing more than gazing at the stars, especially, the bright Milky Way, home of our solar system. As it threads across the heavens, it is surrounded by a darker cosmos. I thought of the ancient Egyptian name for Egypt – “kmt” (Kemet or Kumat), meaning the Black Land, referring to the thin band of fertile dark soil surrounding the illustrious Nile River as it weaves through the desert sands of Egypt.  “As above, so below” - one mirrors the other.

Hermes further writes, “as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.”  Well, on this night, the universe was beautiful, extraordinary and dynamic.  

Wishing you a soul as marvelous as the universe.