unfiltered seeing
“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you,” wrote the poet Rumi. These could have also been the words of our dearest friend, expert guide and wise teacher, Dr. Rabia.
So often, there are no words or photos to adequately describe the sensations and feelings at the summit of Mt. Sinai. Some have said it looks like the beginning of creation when the ocean waves froze in time. Others, like Edward Hull wrote in 1885, “the solitude and desolation connect with those of awe and admiration.”
Few come to this mountain and are not in some way touched or even transformed by it. For this sacred place is a spiritual, not just a physical experience.
When faced with a “mystery” beyond our comprehension, our mind surrenders to not knowing and the heart opens to this force of Love. It is as if a divine power, which we sense, suddenly bursts forth into the outer landscape setting all of life into a vibration.
I sat many times with pilgrims moved to cleansing tears, when both the outer and inner vision become crystal clear. It is seeing life unfiltered and recognizing the deeper connections.
Wishing you unfiltered seeing.