many good walks


“Solvitur ambulando. It is solved by walking.” St. Augustine

This path through the White Canyon was one of the main east/west caravan routes between Cairo and the Nabetean city of Petra.   I was reminded of the words of Black Elk, “In a sacred manner I am walking,” as we followed in the footsteps of other intrepid travelers from long ago.  

Native Americans believe that when we walk in a sacred manner, we also bless the earth beneath our feet. My aunt told me that sometimes we can sense those who have walked on the same path we walk. But those were the days when no one walked with a digital device – just their heightened senses.

The camels had the problem of navigating a steep and narrow path up the mountain. We helped them by walking!  By walking slowly and focusing on our feet, we made it to the top and were rewarded with a stunning view of Ein Khudra, a beautiful lush oasis used by caravans for millennia.  In was a problem free timeless moment. 

You will have a formula for solving most problems by cultivating curiosity, wonder, and openness, together with walking. 

Wishing you many good walks.